Free Tools & Guides

Ready to lead with intention and have more impact? Check out our free resources to help you get started.

Your First 90-Days Guide

Moving into your first management role can be exciting and overwhelming. Our free guide will remove the guesswork and help you prepare for your new leadership role.

10 Strategies to Become Emotionally Effective

Emotional intelligence is considered a key skill for managers today. This guide explains the 5 different components of emotional intelligence along with actionable strategies to improve each area.

Guide to Radically (re)Engage Your Employees

Download our employee engagement field guide with 30 Tips and Tools to help you inspire employees in the new world of work.

Leadership Learning Journey

A leadership learning journey creates more skilled leaders. Assess your current skills and knowledge and prepare for your next leadership role.

Case Studies

Case Study: Navigating Leadership Transitions

Brian’s Leadership Journey
Our case study captures the leadership journey of Brian Newhook, Technical Manager and 3D Model Lead of a team of 55 designers and team leads, as he transitioned from a junior designer to a technical manager.